Bamboo Straw Girl Pte Ltd
Nature of Business:
Areas of Impact:
Provision of economic tools and services (e.g. financial access, crowdfunding, ecommerce)
Bamboo Straw Girl Pte Ltd
www.bamboostrawgirl.comAbout Us
Melissa Lam is the founder of Bamboo Straw Girl, a social enterprise that produces zero-waste lifestyle products to encourage people to adopt low-waste habits. This was one of the pioneering “zero waste” stores in Singapore.
Bamboo Straw Girl aims to start conversations through handmade slow craft, including the bamboo straw which is symbolic of “little actions make big change”. Bamboo Straw Girl also supports local charities by donating a portion of their sale proceeds. As Melissa Lam often says, Bamboo Straw Girl “does not sell products, but a message”. Melissa spreads her message by organising school outreach programmes and corporate talks.
Her efforts are in line with the Singapore Green Plan’s aim to strengthen green efforts in schools as well as to promote green citizenry — reducing waste and consumption.
Melissa’s work is inspired by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, UNSDG Goal 12: Sustainable consumption and production, and UNSDG Goal 13: Climate action.
Melissa promotes the importance of sustainable design and production, by creating products in small batches and assessing the overall impact of the product from production to end of life solutions.
Melissa runs free school assembly programmes to raise awareness of environmental issues and the urgency of individual climate action. She has spoken to thousands of people on sustainability topics and environmental action in schools, corporate settings, as well as TEDx. She is also a licensed facilitator for the 2030 SDGs Game.
Products & Services
(Products are made overseas and imported into Singapore.)
- Bamboo straws, Eco goods and door gifts, cutlery sets
- Company / Organisation sharing sessions
- School assembly talks, corporate workshops, internship opportunities
- Consulting on going straw-free or plastic-free (company / school / cafe / restaurant)
- Zero-waste consulting service
- 2030 SDGs game (corporate training session / school engagement)