Genesis School for Special Education Pte Ltd
Nature of Business:
Education & Training
Areas of Impact:
Provision of education
Genesis School for Special Education Pte Ltd
www.genesisschool.com.sgAbout Us
Genesis School is a child centered private school that provides specialized services for students with special needs for the more than 20 years since its founding in 1998. We have been offering a wide spectrum of full time programs that range from early intervention services for children as young as 3 years old to prepare them for school, and to deliver academic, life skills and vocational programs to students from elementary level to post-secondary youths. Our programs are anchored on the philosophy that each child has the right to the best of educational services. Hence, we make it our mission to maximize each child’s academic, social and physical potentials to ensure they are equipped with the necessary skills to be integrated and thriving in the various communities they belong to. Genesis continues as a self -funding school to ensure we stay committed to our founding principle of an open door policy that admits children of residents with diverse learning needs irrespective of country of origin, creeds, religious beliefs, or ethnicity.
Products & Services
Early Intervention, Academic, Life Skills and Vocational Programs for children with special needs