These terms and conditions apply to Members and Membership applicants of raiSE. In these terms and conditions “raiSE” refers to the Singapore Centre for Social Enterprise, raiSE Ltd (U.E.N. 201504700H), a centre incorporated in Singapore as a company limited by guarantee, whose registered office is at 79 Ayer Rajah Crescent #02-01/02 Singapore 139955.

The criteria used for raiSE Membership is derived from raiSE’s efforts to define a universe of similar organisations that share a commitment to addressing social issues for the betterment of society. By seeking, accepting and renewing Membership in raiSE, the Member or Membership applicant represents that it is committed to the mission of raiSE.

  1. Definitions
    1. In these terms and conditions, the words below shall bear the following meanings:
      e-Directory” means the social enterprise directory on the Website
      Free Services” means any products and/or services provided free of charge by raiSE to its Members, which may include advisory services.
      Logo” means raiSE’s “BusinessForGood” social enterprise membership logo.
      Member” means any individual or organisation which is a registered member of raiSE under one of the membership types described at Clause 2, and “Membership” shall be construed accordingly.
      Social Enterprise Eligibility Guidelines” means the guidelines (and as the same may be updated or modified by raiSE from time to time) used by raiSE to assess applications for Social Enterprise Membership, which is available on the Website.
      Website” means raiSE’s website

  2. Membership Types
    1. raiSE offers 3 types of Memberships:
      1. raiSE Impact Community 
        The Impact Community membership is open to businesses intending to kickstart their journey towards a sustainable business model while incorporating social impact into their core business objectives. Members in this category will get exclusive access to learning resources, networking events, and consultation sessions to support them in their journey to becoming a Social Enterprise. Membership to the raiSE Impact Community is complimentary.
      2. Emerging Social Enterprise Membership
        A revenue-generating business that has dedicated resources towards creating intentional human-centered impact for at least 3 months will be categorised as an Emerging Social Enterprise.
      3. Leading Social Enterprise Membership
        A business with an established revenue base of more than $250,000 annually, and that allocates at least 20% of its resources towards driving intentional human-centered social impact, will be recognised as a Leading Social Enterprise.

  3. Membership Applications
    1. All applications for Membership are to be made by completing the application form on the Website. By submitting an application for Membership to raiSE, the applicant is deemed to have read and agreed to these terms and conditions, and represents and warrants; (i) (where the applicant is an individual) that he/she is at least 18 years of age; (ii) (where the applicant is an organisation) that it is an organisation duly incorporated or registered and validly existing under its laws; (iii) that it is capable of entering into and performing legally binding contracts under applicable law; and (iv) that all information submitted to raiSE is complete, accurate and up to date.
    2. To complete a Membership application, the applicant must make payment of the applicable Membership fee in accordance with Clause 7. raiSE shall not be obliged to process a Membership application until payment of the applicable Membership fee is received by raiSE.
    3. raiSE will assess each application for Social Enterprise Membership based on the Social Enterprise Eligibility Guidelines.
    4. raiSE reserves the right at all times and in its absolute discretion to determine the number of Members in raiSE and may accept or reject Membership applications at its discretion.

  4. Member Responsibilities
    1. Each Member shall be bound during the continuance of its Membership by these terms and conditions including any amendments made subsequently by raiSE.
    2. Each Social Enterprise Member is solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their Membership number, login details and passwords, and for all activities that occur under their Membership number, login details and passwords, whether by themselves or anyone else using their login details and passwords. Each Member shall notify raiSE immediately in writing of any unauthorised use of its Membership details or account. Each Social Enterprise Member shall ensure that they have permissions or consents required to include material or links in the e-Directory.
    3. Membership is to be renewed annually. Such renewal of Membership shall also constitute a declaration by a Social Enterprise Member that its social mission has not changed.
    4. If there has been a change in a Social Enterprise Member’s social mission, such Member shall notify raiSE as soon as practicable and within 30 days of the occurrence of such change. raiSE will then determine if the Member’s Social Enterprise Membership may continue.
    5. If a Member puts raiSE into disrepute or breaches these terms and conditions, raiSE may suspend or terminate its Membership in accordance with Clause 11b.

  5. Membership Benefits
    1. Members may enjoy the applicable Membership benefits listed on the Website. Such Membership benefits may be updated or modified by raiSE from time to time. In addition, Social Enterprise Members may use the Logo on their website(s) and marketing materials, and will be listed on the e-Directory. Each Social Enterprise Member shall ensure that its use of the Logo is in accordance with guidelines which raiSE may issue from time to time.
    2. The listing of a Social Enterprise Member on the e-Directory and/or the usage of the Logo by a Social Enterprise Member does not imply any sponsorship, endorsement, affiliation, partnership, joint venture or any sort of operational integration or association between raiSE and the Social Enterprise Member.
    3. Each Social Enterprise Member acknowledges and agrees that raiSE shall not be held responsible for any information and/or content which it makes available with the Logo or to raiSE for inclusion in the e-Directory.
    4. raiSE shall not be liable for any loss or damages whatsoever arising from a Member’s inability to access any pages on the Website or use of any Membership benefits.

  6. Members Conduct
    1. All Members are expected to uphold the highest standards of practice in conducting their affairs with the funders, beneficiaries, charities and social enterprises they work with, governmental authorities, other stakeholders in their organisation and in the community at large.
    2. All Members shall conduct their activities with transparency, responsiveness, honesty and fairness.
    3. All Members shall, amongst other things:
      1. comply with all applicable legal requirements in Singapore;
      2. practice and promote ethical behaviour;
      3. not use raiSE’s corporate logo unless permitted by raiSE;
      4. not misrepresent its relationship with raiSE;
      5. not disclose any confidential or private information; and/or
      6. not malign, defame or unfairly criticise another Member.

  7. Membership Fees
    1. Membership fees for each Membership type are stated on the Website and are payable annually. raiSE may review the Membership fees from time to time and reserves the right to adjust the Membership fees where it is considered necessary. Any changes to the Membership fees will be notified to Members prior to implementation.
    2. For new Members, Membership fees shall be paid upon submission of the application for Membership to raiSE, and such Membership fees may be refunded if raiSE considers that the applicant does not qualify for Membership. Kindly note that the refund will exclude prevailing third-party transaction fees. For existing Members who wish to renew their Membership, Membership fees shall be paid within 30 days of expiry of the last Membership year, and any failure to do so may result in termination of the Membership.

  8. Confidentiality
    1. Each Member agrees to keep confidential all Confidential Information which it may receive from raiSE in the course of its Membership or that may come into its knowledge or possession as a result of communications between the Member and raiSE. In the event that raiSE discovers that a Member has made or intends to make (whether directly or indirectly) any unauthorised disclosure of the Confidential Information, raiSE shall be entitled to take out an injunction to restrain the Member from making such disclosure. In addition or in the alternative, raiSE shall be entitled to exercise such legal and equitable remedies as are available in respect of the breach of these terms and conditions and to further protect the Confidential Information.
    2. For the purposes of this paragraph, “Confidential Information” means any information relating to the business and affairs of raiSE that is not generally available to the public and shall include, without limitation:
      1. Information of whatever nature relating to the business, finances, assets, liabilities, dealings, transactions, know-how, employees, Members, customers, suppliers, agents, processes or affairs of raiSE; and
      2. Information which is expressly indicated to be confidential or is imparted by raiSE in circumstances importing an obligation of confidence.

  9. Personal Data Protection
    1. raiSE’s Privacy Policy, available at, and as may be amended, supplemented and substituted from time to time, is incorporated by reference and forms part of these terms and conditions and shall apply to all personal data that is provided to raiSE under these terms and conditions or which raiSE obtains from other sources or which arises from a Member’s relationship with raiSE.
    2. By submitting personal data to raiSE, the Member or the Membership applicant (as the case may be):
      1. consents to raiSE’s collection, use, processing and disclosure of such personal data in accordance with raiSE’s Privacy Policy and these terms and conditions.
      2. warrants, in the case of personal data belonging to any individual other than the Member or Membership applicant, that it has obtained the individual’s prior consent to such collection, use, processing and disclosure of the individual’s personal data by raiSE in accordance with raiSE’s Privacy Policy and these terms and conditions.
    3. In addition to the purposes set out in raiSE’s Privacy Policy, raiSE may collect, use and disclose the information (including any personal data) provided under these terms and conditions to:
      1. assess and process the application for Membership;
      2. administer the Membership with raiSE;
      3. provide benefits, support, services and information offered under the Membership and/or requested by a Member;
      4. conduct and publish research studies;
      5. manage and facilitate the business and administrative operations of raiSE and complying with internal policies and procedures; and/or
      6. comply with applicable rules, laws and regulations, codes of practice or guidelines or to assist in law enforcement and investigations by relevant authorities.
    4. Each Member shall inform raiSE of any changes to its information, as well as of any new circumstances which might be relevant to the Member’s relationship with raiSE as soon as practicable and within 30 days of occurrence of such change.
    5. Each Member shall notify raiSE if such Member is providing raiSE with information (such as personal or customer information) which must be handled in accordance with specific regulatory requirements.
    6. Social Enterprise Members may access, change, add or delete any information on themselves held by raiSE may do so through the Members portal of the Website. Other Members may do so by contacting raiSE at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  10. Publicity
    Each Member agrees to participate and be featured in publicity materials and media interviews in relation to raiSE, and consents to the use of its photographs, images and information for the purposes of promoting the objectives of raiSE.

  11. Suspension or Termination of Membership
    1. A Member may terminate its Membership at any time by giving 30 days written notice to raiSE.
    2. raiSE may suspend or terminate a Membership for any of the following reasons:
      1. if the Member’s social mission and/or business does not align with raiSE membership objectives;
      2. if the Member fails to pay the applicable Membership fee within 30 days of taking up Membership or expiry of a Membership year;
      3. if the Member fails to conduct itself according to the standards set out under clause 6;
      4. if the Member was engaged and/or is engaging in any illegal or undesirable activity;
      5. if the Member is in material breach of these terms and conditions; and
      6. if the Member has acted and/or is acting in a manner prejudicial to the interest of raiSE.
    3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, raiSE may suspend or terminate a Membership at any time without having to give any reasons or notice.
    4. Membership fees will not be refunded if Membership is terminated for whatever reason before the end of a Membership year.
    5. An individual, organisation or social enterprise whose Membership has expired or been suspended or terminated will cease to enjoy Membership benefits. A social enterprise whose Social Enterprise Membership has expired or been suspended or terminated will be delisted from the e-Directory and shall immediately discontinue all use of the Logo. raiSE shall not be liable for any loss or damages whatsoever arising from the expiry, suspension or termination of any Membership.

  12. Disclaimer
    1. raiSE makes no representation or warranty as to the Free Services. The Free Services provided are of a general nature based on the facts and/information furnished by the Member, and are not intended to replace, substitute or supplement professional advice or services that may be needed in each case. Each Member acknowledges that if necessary, the Member shall consult with suitably qualified professionals and independent advisers for professional advice. The Member accordingly agrees that any use of and reliance on the Free Services is at its own risk, and agrees not to hold raiSE, or any of its directors, officers, managers, employees or personnel liable or responsible in any way whatsoever for or in connection with the Free Services, and waives any and all claims against each of them in relation to such Free Services.
    2. Where raiSE is asked to recommend to a Member the services of an adviser or service provider, it will do so in good faith, but without liability and without warranty as to the ability or standing of that advisor or service provider. raiSE will not be responsible for the quality of the work of the advisor or service provider, or for monitoring or reviewing their work.

  13. Entire Agreement
    These terms and conditions including the documents incorporated herein by reference constitute the entire agreement relating to the subject matter of these terms and conditions and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings regarding such subject matter.

  14. Invalidity
    In the event that any of these terms and conditions is held to be invalid, or are otherwise not permitted in any jurisdiction, the remainder of the terms and conditions will remain in full force and effect.

  15. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
    These terms and conditions and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of Singapore. The Courts of Singapore shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any claim, dispute or difference concerning these terms and conditions and any matter arising therefrom. Henceforth, the parties knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally waive to the fullest extent permitted by law any rights they may have to commence proceedings in any other forum, court or tribunal for such claims, disputes or differences concerning these terms and conditions.