SolConnect Psychological Centre
Nature of Business:
Health & Social Services
Areas of Impact:
Provision of products and services to improve the mental health & well-being (e.g. address social exclusion)
SolConnect Psychological Centre
About Us
We provide psychological services (assessment/diagnosis, counselling, interventions) for children and adults. Our clients include individuals with Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression/Mood conditions, Developmental conditions, Learning difficulties, and other mental health concerns. We strive to provide every person that walks through our doors a therapeutic safe space for mental health wellness, healing and growth.
Products & Services
Assessment (Psychoeducational - For school placements, SPED school applications, diagnosis of special needs/learning conditions)
Assessment (Psychological - For diagnosis of mental health conditions & intervention)
Counselling (Individual / Couples counselling)
Psychological Intervention (Children - Behavioral Therapy, Play Therapy, Creative Arts/Expressive Therapies)
Psychological Intervention (Adult - CBT, CTRT, Trauma-focused work, Schema Therapy, Grief Counselling)
Group Therapy (Social Skills Training / Emotion Regulation)