SG Assist Pte Ltd
Nature of Business:
Health and wellness
Areas of Impact:
Provision of employment opportunities
SG Assist Pte Ltd
www.sgassist.comAbout Us
SG ASSIST started out as a formal solution for caregivers in the sandwich generation who may not always be home to tend for their beneficiaries, thus requiring the help of neighbours.
Today, it has evolved into a large neighbourhood-volunteering network accommodating a wide range of requests.
Beyond the pandemic, SG Assist is refocusing our efforts as a one-stop care solution that supports seniors, people with disabilities, and their caregivers.
Products & Services
SG Assist app provides social services, caregivers and anyone in the community that requires ad-hoc assistance with a platform to seek help from a base of more than 5000 volunteers.
We also provide care concierge services, including caregiving service navigation and home monitoring solutions to allow seniors and disabled individuals who are at risk of nursing home placement to remain living at home, in the community, or in the home of a caregiver, and receive services and support in those locations.